By donating you help us, step by step, to regenerate dignity and independence in the lives of refugees. You actively contribute to enabling the successful implementation of our projects – we thank you for this wholeheartedly!



Donation subscription

To be able to structure our projects lastingly and efficiently, we are dependent on a regular influx of donations. This is managed very well with Donation Subscriptions. Support us monthly with the contribution that you find appropriate.

Donate with paypal

To make a one-off donation via your Paypal Account, click here.


Transfer any one-off contribution by credit card. You can decide here whether you want to support our projects in general or our Robins directly on location.


Become a Robin

You can also support us otherwise !

Current Projects

Distraction is incredibly important; laughing, dancing, singing and keeping the memory active. Nobody should be allowed to sink from boredom to depression; our projects can be financially supported via this account. We will of course keep you continually informed on how we are utilising your donations and keep the accounts. If desired it is possible to view our expenses. Donators support Be A Robin in improving the lives of refugees bit by bit. So we can be sure that the donations are being directly and effectively employed, some of our Robins are always on location. They are our insurance. They work free of charge and give 150%.


Be A Robin donation account: 

Bank: Alternative Bank Schweiz

Be a Robin
Freiestrasse 216
8032 Zürich Schweiz


Account Number: 351.867.100-00

IBAN: CH34 0839 0035 1867 1000 0

Decide whether you want to donate to our Robins directly, or to our projects in general, by noting:

For the Robins note: Robins

For the projects note: Projects


We thank you for your support!